Monday, March 28, 2011

"Get Up and Shake The Glitter Off Your Clothes"

I went on a surprise trip to celebrate my birthday in Vegas this weekend thanks to Miguel!!

He planned the trip for like three weeks and told me all along that we were going to Atlanta for the weekend to celebrate my 21st birthday. He arrived in Warner Robins Thursday night because we were going to get up early and head to Atlanta and "check in early at our hotel." We wake up Friday morning at 4:00 and headed for Atlanta. I start out driving but when I go in to pay for gas, I come out to see that Miguel had moved to the driver's side. I thought nothing of it. I pump gas and get in and we get on the interstate. About 30 minutes outside of Atlanta, Miguel hands me a piece of folded up paper. I opened it up and there is gold glitter laying inside. He throws it on me, changes the song to Katy Perry's "Waking Up In Vegas," and shows me the plane tickets. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless. We got to the airport, parked my car and got on our non-stop flight to Vegas!

We landed in Vegas at 9:30am and a taxi took us to The Stratosphere Hotel where we were staying. The view was amazing.

We did so much while we were there. We rode gondolas, roller coasters and other rides, saw Phantom of the Opera, went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, ate at The Top of The World Restaurant, saw the Bellagio fountains and much more. And, of course, we partied! 

I really can't believe that I was in Vegas for my 21st and it all seems like it was an amazing dream. We had a blast and are already talking about going back again sometime.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Adventures Into My Mind

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been dealing with things and I felt compelled to update tonight for whatever reason.

I would like to just say that I don't want people to feel bad for me in anyway after reading this entry. It is what it is, I'm figuring it out and I'm simply writing this as a type of outlet. Also, just because I mention some 'causes' of my issues, does not mean that it is their fault. We all experience different events and through those we form and carry different ideals throughout our lives. Rather than blame them, we must realize, accept and handle them on our own terms.

I've been seeing a psychologist for the past five weeks and with her I have uncovered some important things that I have been over looking in my life- possibly doing so in fear of truly accepting it. I've come to realize that one of my biggest issues can be simply put as 'never good enough.' This has ultimately taken a large toll on my self-esteem and has created insecurities. Another, issue is living in a society and culture that fears and refuses to understand and tolerate my sexuality. It's hard to be yourself when the mindset that surrounds you on a daily basis refutes your lifestyle based on fear and ignorance.

These two issues among my parents divorce and my current family life have all had a role in creating my anxiety, but the most important role goes to my way of thinking. This is the most important role because this is the one thing that I have control over. I am working on changing my thought processes to see things in a different light. Rearranging and reforming your thoughts can play a huge part in how you feel, analyze and react to various situations.

In these past five weeks, I have learned a lot about my self and my thoughts. I feel as if I have grown  from this experience and I have leaned to accept the above issues because they are the some of the very reasons that are pushing me even harder to pursue my dreams of moving to LA and working in the film business. For that, I am thankful.
