Friday, December 17, 2010

First Post

So, I'm kind of new at this whole blogging thing so please bear with me. There isn't much to update on right now since I haven't actually moved to LA yet so, my postings will be somewhat sporadic and I may not post very often until closer to the move date.

Right now, I'm just working as much as I can, looking for jobs in LA and searching for a car so that I have something somewhat reliable for the 2,000+ mile drive that I will be making in January.

I've also been looking for a place in LA to live. I have found someone that is interested in being my roommate so we have been looking at places together. More on that later when I get closer to moving.

I'm really excited for the move and I can't wait to get started in LA. The emotional toll of leaving everything behind is starting to sort of set in but, I just have to stay positive and push through so that I can reach my future goals. I'm so luck to have such a great support system. I know my friends and family hate to see me leave but, their support means everything to me.

I think that's all for now. I'll try to keep this updated as much as I can.


1 comment:

  1. I love reading blogs! I cannot wait to hear about all of your cool adventures in LA. YEYEYEYEYEAH. (This post is lame, I know.) -Jennifer Williams
