Friday, April 15, 2011

21 Day Challenge

"A person must see themselves in a new role before their self image can change."
So, while on the internet the other day, I "stumbled upon" a website outlining a four step, twenty-one day challenge. I thought to myself "Twenty-one days. Three weeks. Ten minutes a day. Why not give it a try?" After reading through the instructions, I decided that I would try and go through with it and see how it went. I decided to begin it today.

The twenty-one day challenge consists of a daily, four step mental exercise that promises great things; and, I have to say, I believe it. The only condition is that you must "have at least one area of your life you would like to work on, or a certain way you would like to 'be.'" The four steps are as follows:

  1. Vividly imagine a time when you were being how you wanted.
  2. Picture yourself in a new scenario being how you want to be.
  3. Realize that you are eventually going to die. (Important in managing stress. Nothing lasts forever.)
  4. Think of a problem or issue you think is holding you back and challenge it.

    The basis of this "challenge" is that scientific research has shown that it takes the human mind around 21 days to establish new connections and pathways. By completing the four steps outlined above, the thoughts associated with the steps will begin to come to your conscious mind more often and begin to over shadow the negative thoughts that the mental self critic can impose.

    Here's the link if you'd like a more detailed outline:


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