Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Last Night in Statesboro

I'm sitting on my bed in my mostly empty apartment after finishing my last day at work and I'm starting to look around me. All my things are packed in my car except for the bedding and a couple of suitcases that are still open waiting to be forced shut and the room feels as if it did when I first moved in- white and lonely. It doesn't have that comfortable, cozy, this-is-my-room feeling that it once had when it was filled with all my belongings.

As I sit here, everything sort of hits me. Not in an emotional breakdown sort of way, at least not yet, but, in a different, unexplainable sort of way. In a couple of very short weeks, I will be headed 2,500 miles to Los Angeles, California and all of the different emotions that I am experiencing are somewhat overwhelming. For the past week or so, I've had many moments where I think to myself "You're fucking crazy. What are you doing?" and, it's almost like I'm arguing with myself. I think back "I'm not crazy. This is what I want to do and I will make it happen." I think that this is the "internal conflict" that many of my literature teachers throughout the years have tried to explain yet, I never really fully comprehended. Now, I fully comprehend it- now more than ever.

But, I think this sort of "internal conflict" that I have is healthy and it's keeping me focused and determined. If I didn't have it, then I think I would definitely be crazy. 

Now that we've established, at least for the moment, that I am, in fact, not crazy, I have to pack the remainder of my things and head to bed. Checking out of my apartment as early as possible and then headed to spend New Year's Eve in Augusta and definitely looking forward to celebrating. 


Friday, December 17, 2010

First Post

So, I'm kind of new at this whole blogging thing so please bear with me. There isn't much to update on right now since I haven't actually moved to LA yet so, my postings will be somewhat sporadic and I may not post very often until closer to the move date.

Right now, I'm just working as much as I can, looking for jobs in LA and searching for a car so that I have something somewhat reliable for the 2,000+ mile drive that I will be making in January.

I've also been looking for a place in LA to live. I have found someone that is interested in being my roommate so we have been looking at places together. More on that later when I get closer to moving.

I'm really excited for the move and I can't wait to get started in LA. The emotional toll of leaving everything behind is starting to sort of set in but, I just have to stay positive and push through so that I can reach my future goals. I'm so luck to have such a great support system. I know my friends and family hate to see me leave but, their support means everything to me.

I think that's all for now. I'll try to keep this updated as much as I can.
