Friday, February 4, 2011


Since things have been going unexpectedly slow in finding an available place to stay once arriving in Los Angeles, I decided that I should maybe order some books and do a little homeschooling over what I was getting myself into. A week or so ago, I ordered five books from Amazon and over the past few days they have been arriving in the mail. I've already finished two and I'm halfway through my third. I treat these book like textbooks: I read them and try to identify and memorize the most important aspects of each one. As I was readying one of my "textbooks" yesterday in Starbucks, I realized that I was not only learning, but learning about things that I actually cared about. This brought on a feeling of great satisfaction. Yes, some of the classes I took in college were interesting, but I didn't really care- I just cared about making good grades. By taking it upon myself to learn more about the things I am interested in doing once I'm in L.A., I find that I absorb and retain more information than I ever did in college. Maybe our failing education system could learn something from this. What if allowing kids to choose at least a couple of classes that they actually want to learn about would result in better retention of information? Just a thought.

As for my voyage to L.A.: I'm talking with a friend there to see if he and his roommate would mind me staying with them for a month or two so that I can actually look at potential apartments and attend job interviews in person. I think this would make things a little easier than being over 2,000 miles away and trying to find a decent place and apply for jobs. My plan is to be on my way before the end of the month. It's hard just sitting at home when people expect you to have been to L.A. a month ago, but I don't want to rush into things and end up on a plane back to Georgia in six months. I'm doing this for me, not other people. When the time is right and everything is set up, I will be on my way.


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